You don’t have to push through, there’s another way…

I’ve been sitting here looking at this blog wondering if I should write or note write… I’ve been in a weird space and I think many of you can relate.

So here I am, because I want you to know, if you’ve been feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or like your energy is stretched so thin you’re barely holding it together, I want you to know… you’re not alone.

Lately, I’ve been sitting with the realization that I’ve spent so much of my life pushing through, ignoring my exhaustion, overriding my body’s signals, and convincing myself that I had to keep going, no matter what. Through school, social settings, and people-pleasing, I was taught to power through. I can still remember times when I was so depleted that I had to be carried to my car and driven back to college when all I really needed was rest, softness, and care. And now, I’m finally allowing myself to honor what my energy has been trying to tell me all along.

Our energy field is not meant to be in a constant state of output. We are designed to ebb and flow, to expand and contract, to receive as much as we give. But so many of us have been conditioned to override these natural rhythms, to keep saying yes when our energy is saying no, to keep pushing forward when what we really need is stillness. The more we ignore those signals, the more we drain ourselves causing physical symptoms of illness  from pulling the reserves that were never meant to be depleted. And when that happens, it doesn’t just affect our mood or mental state, it impacts our entire energetic system, leaving us feeling disconnected, foggy, and untethered from ourselves.

What I’ve learned—what I am still learning—is that healing doesn’t come from fighting through exhaustion. It comes from listening. From honoring what our energy is telling us, even when the world expects us to keep going. It comes from knowing that depletion isn’t a personal failing, it’s a signal, a request from our system to slow down, recalibrate, and restore.

And here’s the beautiful thing: our energy wants to return to balance. The moment we stop fighting the current and allow ourselves to receive, whether that’s through deep rest, nourishing connections, or simply breathing into stillness, our entire field begins to restore itself. The nervous system softens, the energy body realigns, and we remember that we don’t have to do it all alone.

So if you’re feeling heavy, if you’re carrying more than your system can hold, please know that it’s okay to let go. It’s okay to rest. It’s okay to receive. And it’s more than okay to move at your pace, in your way, without needing to justify it to anyone.

You are allowed to swim with the currents of your own energy rather than fight against them. And when you do, life meets you there.

With much love & compassion,




Inviting Your Shadows to Dinner


Reconnecting with the Divine Feminine